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At TOOFUNNI, we believe that 2 DOTS and a SMILE on anything will put a smile on your face too! 


Toofunni, pronounced TOOH-FUH-NEE, is a play on words of the name of owner and designer, Tiffany. It also sounds like "too funny" which is the perfect representation of the playful, fun, happy and cheerful vibe of all the cute, handmade designs in her shop. At Toofunni, you are taken on an exciting adventure where cute and punny never goes out of style. 


Tiffany creates doodles of everyday objects, animals and food, as well as anything that inspires and brings her joy. Her designs are also heavily influenced by her Chinese cultural background and love for Asian foods and drinks, particularly bubble tea. From these tiny doodles, she adds splashes of colour and transforms them into products that you can use everyday, including keychains for your keys, sweatshirts for you to lounge in, cards for that special occasion and mugs for your morning coffee.

Growing up, my grandparents would take me to Chinatown to help me discover my Chinese cultural roots. The smell of the Chinese herbs as my grandma carefully selected the ingredients she needed to make her soup is distinctly engraved in my memory. The colours of red and gold in the architecture made me fall in love with bold colours and the elegance of gold. I remember always window shopping and seeing the beautiful and intricate details on the Chinese long dresses and slippers. That was probably the first time I was introduced to the art of embroidery which is a method I use now for many items in my shop. Every time I visit Chinatown, I feel almost at "home" because the smells of the food, the people and the atmosphere is very familiar. It's so nice that we have a place in Vancouver that cherishes and celebrates the Chinese culture for hopefully many generations to come.

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